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Divorce Is An End -But Also A Beginning

With the recent release of Hogan Hilling’s new book When Divorce Do Us Part: How to Live and Love Again, a helpful and healthy perspective on divorce is available. The editors of Stepdadding.com hope all our readers are having success in your marriages -but we know the majority of your marriages will fail. The statistics show about 70% of Stepdad’s marriages end in divorce. When they do it’s vital to have the right attitude and perspective. With that in mind, we want to share Mr Hilling’s book. We will be hosting and featuring Mr. Hilliing to answer questions submitted by men and women on the verge of -or in the process of- divorce. Use the form below to ask Mr Hilling a question.
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Divorce Do Us Part
Press Release 1/31/14
Hogan Hilling is proud to announce the release of the book When Divorce Do Us Part: How to Live and Love Again, to be released by Motivational Press. Hogan Hilling finds inspiration from A book of hope for divorcees. The book points out how divorce should not be viewed as a detriment to marriage or an indictment of a parent’s character because there are many legitimate reasons why divorce is a viable option for a married couple with an unhealthy marriage. Furthermore, there is a bright side to divorce, which is reinforced throughout the book from the first page of the Introduction to the last page of the final chapter titled, “My new successful life.” .
Hogan Hilling’s success formula focuses on how to win the divorce process with integrity and move forward to a new fulfilling, happier, healthier and successful life as a single person.
Praise for Hogan Hilling
“Hogan’s continued support & sound advice during the divorce process was instrumental in turning my life around for the better. What I appreciated most was his insightful “Mr. Miyagi” wisdom, his caring knack to hold me accountable for my actions, and encouragement to create a healthier, happier & successful life as a single person. He has also helped me understand the incredible difference in the way that men think and approach relationships. I have been able to take my more confident self and begin a healthy new relationship. Everyone needs a “Mr. Miyagi”! . -Dana H., Single Mother

Instead of a rush to judgment, feeding pessimism and despair When Divorce Do Us Part provides sound optimistic advice on how a spouse can stay emotionally fit during the divorce process; a stream of emotional support, helpful services and valuable resources to help build a new healthy life after divorce; and inspiration for a spouse to take control of his or her new life. In essence, the book helps a spouse view divorce through a prism of hope that will eventually lead to a brighter future as a single, free, happy and magnificent person.

Hogan Hilling - The Divorce Guru
Hogan Hilling – The Divorce Guru
About The Author
Hogan Hilling is the Divorce Guru, www.hoganhilling.com and author of a revolutionary book about divorce When Divorce Do Us
 Part: How to Live and Love Again, (Motivational Press, 2013). Hilling has appeared on Oprah and ABC’s Documentary The Story of
Fathers and Sons. Hilling serves as a facilitator for the St. Andrews Divorce Recovery Workshop in Newport Beach, California and speaker for the “Free to Love Again” Divorce Recovery Program in Laguna Beach, California. Hilling is also the founder of Divorce Guru, an exclusive consultation membership based service for spouses in the divorce process. Divorce Guru’s mission is to show a spouse how to win the mental game of divorce with integrity.

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